Make Friends With Your Butcher
SIT AND STAY Make Friends With Your Butcher Don’t be scared by the title. This friendship will benefit man’s best friend. Still have no idea what I’m talking about...BONES! Dogs love bones! Bones
To Bite or Not to Bite
SIT AND STAY To bite or not to bite, that is the question Dogs and kids playing together need supervision A serious issue receiving media attention is dog bite cases. My focus is
How much is that doggie in the window?
GUEST COMMENTARY How Much Is That doggie in the window? A Puppy is a bigger gift that you think Maybe the doggie isn’t in the window -most likely you saw it on-line or
Spring is in the Air
SIT AND STAY SPRING IS IN THE AIR! Time to take steps to protect your dog as temperatures climb The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the
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